Profile Picture of Manuel Nordhoff who offers digitalization support via Nordhoff Digital

Nordhoff Digital - your digital consultant

This website does my problem solving approach justice - focus on the crucial steps while keeping the route in mind. Since I am constantly booked and busy, a website seems to be somewhat obligatory, like a linkedin account, yet there does not exist a critical urge to transform this gadget into a performance machine. For that reason, I am stitching it together on a sunday train ride sicne my work week does not allow much time for such tasks. In case you made it here and rtead so far, you might be interested in getting some support for your digital needs. I might be able to provide some value! My vita stretches from academia to startups to politics to big corp. Whether writing Frontend scripts, Backend code or task automation routines, designing a website from scratch, contributing to global digitalisation projects or shifting the status quo in HCI with cutting edge research, I've done it all and can proclaim to have quite some experience and wisdom about digital problems and solutions. I currently manage the global delivery in a future sales digitalisation project wwithin the automotive indutry. I also support local artists and artisan vendors with their marketing efforts. So wether you manage a huge corporation, a small startup or a passionate dream project - I am at least open to listen and promise you only one thing: I will tell you my honest opinion. Everythi g else is a case by case decisiona nd process. So, please don't hesitate to shoot me a good ol email using the form below:

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